# Maintainer's guide The following guidelines are meant to provide a general basis for the behavior expected of tldr-pages maintainers. > [!NOTE] > This text is a living standard; > that is, it is meant to *describe* the project's maintenance practices, > rather than *prescribe* them. > As a maintainer, you're expected to refer to it for clarification > about the collaborative workflows of the project, > but also to propose changes to it > that you feel would make it more useful > as a guideline for current and future maintainers. ## I. Responding to contributions - When responding to issues or pull requests, remember that you're temporarily the face of the tldr-pages project. **Be welcoming and friendly**, and if you don't know how to answer, ping other maintainers who you think might have a say. - **Help keep the project responsive**. New discussion threads (issues or pull requests) should receive a response within 3 days, ideally. You can respond yourself or ask other members to provide their thoughts/opinions. In addition, if possible, try to hang around in the [Matrix chat room](https://matrix.to/#/#tldr-pages:matrix.org) regularly as well, or at least show up every now and then. - **Know when and how to say no**. Sometimes requests or contributions need to be declined, at least in their current form. The project has developed multiple guidelines over time to handle edge cases — get acquainted with them, and point them out when necessary. Be polite, but firm: it saves everyone's time and patience to make expectations clear early. - Always remember to **thank every contribution**, even when it can't be accepted (in fact, especially then). Keep in mind that [every form of contribution](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) (pull request, feature request, bug report, etc.) is a voluntary gift of time offered to the tldr-pages project by someone who cares about it, so make sure it's clear that we don't take it for granted. - Try to **keep the entire contribution process web-based**, if possible, to ensure it is accessible and straightforward. If you're comfortable with Git, consider offering to perform interactive rebases or other command-line operations on behalf of contributors, or assisting them if they want to do it themselves. ## II. Handling PRs - PRs should be merged once they (1) **pass the automated tests** (GitHub Actions, CLA signing, etc.), (2) have the **review comments addressed**, (3) get **approved reviews by two maintainers** (the second maintainer can merge immediately after approving). - If a PR fails to get a review from a second maintainer after a few days, the first maintainer should ping others for review. If it still lingers around for **over a week without a second maintainer’s approval**, the first maintainer (if Owner) can go ahead and merge it. Otherwise, a message can be sent in the chatroom asking other maintainers to review the PR. - If the only issues holding up a merge are **trivial fixes** (typos, syntax errors, etc.), and the author doesn't respond in a day or two, **maintainers can make the necessary changes themselves**, and proceed with the merge process. - If a PR **stops getting feedback from the submitter** for more than a month, any maintainer can choose to take over the PR and make the necessary changes to get the content ready for merging. - During the review process, make sure that contributors, especially new ones, are not **overwhelmed with too many change requests**. Be mindful of signs of fatigue (less enthusiastic responses, slower reactions), and relax review standards if necessary — minor issues can always be fixed later. - When merging PRs, use the **merge strategy that produces a clean Git history**: If there's a single commit in the PR, or if the multiple commits are not semantically independent changes, use the `Squash and merge` method. (Don't forget to clean up the body of the squashed commit message.) If instead, the PR author took the time to craft individual, informative messages for each commit, then use the `Rebase and merge` method, to honor that work and preserve the history of the changes. For less clear-cut cases, a simple heuristic you can follow is that if there are more "dirty" commits than "clean" commits, then prefer squash, else do a rebase. - Although having push access allows committing directly to the repository to all branches (except main), please **create pull requests for all of your changes**. This ensures that the entire process that regular contributors go through is also exposed to maintainers, who can then identify and address bottlenecks or inconveniences. Similarly, **avoid merging your own PRs** unless approved by other maintainers. - At the last week of October, all applicable PRs that wouldn't get merged in time can be labeled as `hacktoberfest-accepted`. ## III. Transparency - All non-confidential requests/mail made/sent on behalf of the project should be documented as an issue with the [archive](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/issues?q=label%3Aarchive) label and must be communicated with other maintainers. - All repository/organization settings changes must be documented as an issue with the [archive](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/issues?q=label%3Aarchive) label.