#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # This script is executed by GitHub Actions for every successful push (on any branch, PR or not). # It runs some basic tests on pages. If the build is also a PR, additional # checks are run through the check-pr script, and any message or error is sent # to tldr-bot to be commented on the PR. # # NOTE: must be run from the repository root directory to correctly work! # NOTE: `set -e` is applied conditionally only if needed. # check if a command is available to run in the system function exists { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Wrapper around black as it outputs everything to stderr, # but we want to only print if there are actual errors, and not # the "All done!" success message. function run_black { target_black_version=$(awk -F '==' '$1 == "black" { print $2 }' < requirements.txt) if grep -qw black <<< "$(pip3 --disable-pip-version-check list)"; then errs=$(python3 -m black scripts --check --required-version ${target_black_version} 2>&1 || true) fi if [[ -z $errs ]]; then # skip the black check if the command is not available in the system. if [[ $CI != true ]] && ! exists black; then echo "Skipping black check, command not available." return 0 fi errs=$(black scripts --check --required-version ${target_black_version} 2>&1 || true) fi if [[ ${errs} == *"does not match the running version"* ]]; then echo -e "Skipping black check, required version not available, try running: pip3 install -r requirements.txt" return 0 fi # We want to ignore the exit code from black on failure so that we can # do the conditional printing below if [[ ${errs} != "All done!"* ]]; then echo -e "${errs}" >&2 return 1 fi } function run_flake8 { # skip flake8 check if the command is not available in the system. if [[ $CI != true ]] && ! exists flake8; then echo "Skipping flake8 check, command not available." return 0 fi flake8 scripts } function run_pytest { # skip pytest check if the command is not available in the system. if [[ $CI != true ]] && ! exists pytest; then echo "Skipping pytest check, command not available." return 0 fi errs=$(pytest scripts/*.py 2>&1 || true) if [[ ${errs} == *"failed"* ]]; then echo -e "${errs}" >&2 return 1 fi } # Default test function, run by `npm test`. function run_tests { find pages* -name '*.md' -exec markdownlint {} + tldr-lint ./pages for f in ./pages.*; do checks="TLDR104" if [[ -L $f ]]; then continue elif [[ $f == *ar* || $f == *bn* || $f == *fa* || $f == *hi* || $f == *ja* || $f == *ko* || $f == *lo* || $f == *ml* || $f == *ne* || $f == *ta* || $f == *th* || $f == *tr* ]]; then checks+=",TLDR003,TLDR004,TLDR015" elif [[ $f == *zh* || $f == *zh_TW* ]]; then checks+=",TLDR003,TLDR004,TLDR005,TLDR015" fi tldr-lint --ignore $checks "${f}" done run_black run_flake8 run_pytest } # Special test function for GitHub Actions pull request builds. # Runs run_tests collecting errors for tldr-bot. function run_tests_pr { errs=$(run_tests 2>&1) if [[ -n $errs ]]; then echo -e "Test failed!\n$errs\n" >&2 echo 'Sending errors to tldr-bot.' >&2 echo -n "$errs" | python3 scripts/send-to-bot.py report-errors exit 1 fi } # Additional checks for GitHub Actions pull request builds. # Only taken as suggestions, does not make the build fail. function run_checks_pr { msgs=$(bash scripts/check-pr.sh) if [[ -n $msgs ]]; then echo -e "\nCheck PR reported the following message(s):\n$msgs\n" >&2 echo 'Sending check results to tldr-bot.' >&2 echo -n "$msgs" | python3 scripts/send-to-bot.py report-check-results fi } ################################### # MAIN ################################### if [[ $CI == true && $GITHUB_REPOSITORY == "tldr-pages/tldr" && $PULL_REQUEST_ID != "" ]]; then run_checks_pr run_tests_pr else set -e run_tests fi echo 'Test ran successfully!'