name: 📄 Page modification request title: "Page modification request: " description: Request modification of a page. labels: page edit, help wanted body: - type: textarea attributes: label: Command description description: Describe the command you want the page(s) to be modified. placeholder: Tell us about the changes in the command! validations: required: true - type: input attributes: label: Command details description: Describe any details related to a command. placeholder: e.g. command version - type: input attributes: label: Documentation description: Link to the official documentation. placeholder: - type: dropdown attributes: label: Platform description: What platform does the program run on? (Select "Common" if the program works on more than one platform) options: - Android - Common - FreeBSD - Linux - macOS (OS X) - NetBSD - OpenBSD - SunOS - Windows validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional information description: Provide additional information if the command differs between platforms.