# dockutil > Manage macOS dock items. > More information: . - Add an application to the end of the current user's dock: `dockutil --add {{path/to/application}}` - Replace one application with another in the current user's dock: `dockutil --add {{/path/to/application}} --replacing '{{dock_item_label}}'` - Add a directory with view options and display it as a folder icon or stack: `dockutil --add {{/path/to/directory}} --view {{grid|fan|list|auto}} --display {{folder|stack}}` - Add a URL dock item after another item: `dockutil --add {{vnc://example_server.local}} --label '{{Example VNC}}' --after {{dock_item_label}}` - Remove an application from the dock given its dock label name: `dockutil --remove '{{dock_item_label}}'` - Add a spacer in a section after an application: `dockutil --add '' --type {{spacer|small-spacer|flex-spacer}} --section {{apps}} --after {{dock_item_label}}` - Remove all spacer tiles: `dockutil --remove spacer-tiles`