# gh run > View, run and watch recent GitHub Actions workflow runs. > More information: . - Interactively select a run to see information about the jobs: `gh run view` - Display information about a specific run: `gh run view {{workflow_run_number}}` - Display information about the steps of a job: `gh run view --job={{job_number}}` - Display the log of a job: `gh run view --job={{job_number}} --log` - Check a specific workflow and exit with a non-zero status if the run failed: `gh run view {{workflow_run_number}} --exit-status && {{echo "run pending or passed"}}` - Interactively select an active run and wait until it's done: `gh run watch` - Display the jobs for a run and wait until it's done: `gh run watch {{workflow_run_number}}` - Re-run a specific workflow: `gh run rerun {{workflow_run_number}}`