# limactl > Virtual machine manager for Linux guests, with multiple VM templates available. > Can be used to run containers on macOS, but also for generic virtual machine use cases on macOS and Linux hosts. > More information: . - List VMs: `limactl list` - Create a VM using the default settings and optionally provide a name and/or a template (see `limactl create --list-templates` for available templates): `limactl create --name {{vm_name}} template://{{debian|fedora|ubuntu|…}}` - Start a VM (this might install some dependencies in it and take a few minutes): `limactl start {{vm_name}}` - Open a remote shell inside a VM: `limactl shell {{vm_name}}` - Run a command inside a VM: `limactl shell {{vm_name}} {{command}}` - Stop/shutdown a VM: `limactl stop {{vm_name}}` - Delete a VM: `limactl remove {{vm_name}}`