# ldapdomaindump > Dump users, computers, groups, OS and membership information via LDAP to HTML, JSON and greppable output. > See also `ldapsearch`. > More information: . - Dump all information using the given LDAP account: `ldapdomaindump --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password|ntlm_hash}} {{hostname|ip}}` - Dump all information, resolving computer hostnames: `ldapdomaindump --resolve --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password}} {{hostname|ip}}` - Dump all information, resolving computer hostnames with the selected DNS server: `ldapdomaindump --resolve --dns-server {{domain_controller_ip}} --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password}} {{hostname|ip}}` - Dump all information to the given directory without JSON output: `ldapdomaindump --no-json --outdir {{path/to/directory}} --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password}} {{hostname|ip}}`