# ostree > Version control for binary files similar to git but optimized for operating system root filesystems. > OSTree is the foundation for immutable image-based operating systems such as Fedora Silverblue, Fedora IoT or Fedora CoreOS. > More information: . - Initialize a repository of the files in `$PWD` with metadata in `$PWD/path/to/repo`: `ostree init --repo {{path/to/repo}}` - Create a commit (snapshot) of the files: `ostree commit --repo {{path/to/repo}} --branch {{branch_name}}` - Show files in commit: `ostree ls --repo {{path/to/repo}} {{commit_id}}` - Show metadata of commit: `ostree show --repo {{path/to/repo}} {{commit_id}}` - Show list of commits: `ostree log --repo {{path/to/repo}} {{branch_name}}` - Show repo summary: `ostree summary --repo {{path/to/repo}} --view` - Show available refs (branches): `ostree refs --repo {{path/to/repo}}`