# cosign > Container Signing, Verification and Storage in an OCI registry. > More information: . - Generate a key-pair: `cosign generate-key-pair` - Sign a container and store the signature in the registry: `cosign sign -key {{cosign.key}} {{image}}` - Sign a container image with a key pair stored in a Kubernetes secret: `cosign sign -key k8s://{{namespace}}/{{key}} {{image}}` - Sign a blob with a local key pair file: `cosign sign-blob --key {{cosign.key}} {{path/to/file}}` - Verify a container against a public key: `cosign verify -key {{cosign.pub}} {{image}}` - Verify images with a public key in a Dockerfile: `cosign dockerfile verify -key {{cosign.pub}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}}` - Verify an image with a public key stored in a Kubernetes secret: `cosign verify -key k8s://{{namespace}}/{{key}} {{image}}` - Copy a container image and its signatures: `cosign copy {{example.com/src:latest}} {{example.com/dest:latest}}`