# docker update > Update configuration of Docker containers. > This command is not supported for Windows containers. > More information: . - Update restart policy to apply when a specific container exits: `docker update --restart={{always|no|on-failure|unless-stopped}} {{container_name}}` - Update the policy to restart up to three times a specific container when it exits with non-zero exit status: `docker update --restart=on-failure:3 {{container_name}}` - Update the number of CPUs available to a specific container: `docker update --cpus {{count}} {{container_name}}` - Update the memory limit in [M]egabytes for a specific container: `docker update --memory {{limit}}M {{container_name}}` - Update the maximum number of process IDs allowed inside a specific container (use `-1` for unlimited): `docker update --pids-limit {{count}} {{container_name}}` - Update the amount of memory in [M]egabytes a specific container can swap to disk (use `-1` for unlimited): `docker update --memory-swap {{limit}}M {{container_name}}`