# gdalinfo > List various information about a GDAL supported raster dataset. > More information: . - List all supported raster formats: `gdalinfo --formats` - List information about a specific raster dataset: `gdalinfo {{path/to/input.tif}}` - List information about a specific raster dataset in JSON format: `gdalinfo -json {{path/to/input.tif}}` - Show histogram values of a specific raster dataset: `gdalinfo -hist {{path/to/input.tif}}` - List information about a Web Map Service (WMS): `gdalinfo WMS:{{https://services.meggsimum.de/geoserver/ows}}` - List information about a specific dataset of a Web Map Service (WMS): `gdalinfo WMS:{{https://services.meggsimum.de/geoserver/ows}} -sd {{4}}`