# git effort > Display how much activity a file has had, showing commits per file and "active days" i.e. total number of days that contributed to the file. > Part of `git-extras`. > More information: . - Display each file in the repository, showing commits and active days: `git effort` - Display files modified by a specific number of commits or more, showing commits and active days: `git effort --above {{5}}` - Display files modified by a specific author, showing commits and active days: `git effort -- --author="{{username}}"` - Display files modified since a specific time/date, showing commits and active days: `git effort -- --since="{{last month}}"` - Display only the specified files or directories, showing commits and active days: `git effort {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}` - Display all files in a specific directory, showing commits and active days: `git effort {{path/to/directory/*}}`