# git push > Push commits to a remote repository. > More information: . - Send local changes in the current branch to its default remote counterpart: `git push` - Send changes from a specific local branch to its remote counterpart: `git push {{remote_name}} {{local_branch}}` - Send changes from a specific local branch to its remote counterpart, and set the remote one as the default push/pull target of the local one: `git push -u {{remote_name}} {{local_branch}}` - Send changes from a specific local branch to a specific remote branch: `git push {{remote_name}} {{local_branch}}:{{remote_branch}}` - Send changes on all local branches to their counterparts in a given remote repository: `git push --all {{remote_name}}` - Delete a branch in a remote repository: `git push {{remote_name}} --delete {{remote_branch}}` - Remove remote branches that don't have a local counterpart: `git push --prune {{remote_name}}` - Publish tags that aren't yet in the remote repository: `git push --tags`