# pamcut > Cut out a rectangular region from a Netpbm image. > See also: `pamcrop`, `pamdice`, `pamcomp`. > More information: . - Discard the specified number of columns/rows on each side of the image: `pamcut -cropleft {{value}} -cropright {{value}} -croptop {{value}} -cropbottom {{value}} {{path/to/image.ppm}} > {{path/to/output.ppm}}` - Keep only the columns between the specified columns (inclusively): `pamcut -left {{value}} -right {{value}} {{path/to/image.ppm}} > {{path/to/output.ppm}}` - Fill missing areas with black pixels if the specified rectangle does not entirely lie within the input image: `pamcut -top {{value}} -bottom {{value}} -pad {{path/to/image.ppm}} > {{path/to/output.ppm}}`