# pnmremap > Replace the colors in a PNM image. > More information: . - Replace the colors in an image with those in the specified color palette: `pnmremap -mapfile {{path/to/palette_file.ppm}} {{path/to/input.pnm}} > {{path/to/output.pnm}}` - Use Floyd-Steinberg dithering for representing colors missing in the color palette: `pnmremap -mapfile {{path/to/palette_file.ppm}} -floyd {{path/to/input.pnm}} > {{path/to/output.pnm}}` - Use the first color in the palette for representing colors missing in the color palette: `pnmremap -mapfile {{path/to/palette_file.ppm}} -firstisdefault {{path/to/input.pnm}} > {{path/to/output.pnm}}` - Use the specified color for representing colors missing in the color palette: `pnmremap -mapfile {{path/to/palette_file.ppm}} -missingcolor {{color}} {{path/to/input.pnm}} > {{path/to/output.pnm}}`