# ppmtoilbm > Convert a PPM image to an ILBM file. > More information: . - Convert a PPM image to an ILBM file: `ppmtoilbm {{path/to/file.ppm}} > {{path/to/file.ilbm}}` - Write a maximum of n planes to the ILBM file and produce a HAM/24bit/direct color file if this number is exceeded: `ppmtoilbm -maxplanes {{n}} -{{hamif|24if|dcif}} {{path/to/file.ppm}} > {{path/to/file.ilbm}}` - Produce a ILBM file with exactly n planes: `ppmtoilbm -fixplanes {{n}} {{path/to/file.ppm}} > {{path/to/file.ilbm}}` - Select the compression method to be used: `ppmtoilbm -{{compress|nocompress|savemem}} {{path/to/file.ppm}} > {{path/to/file.ilbm}}`