# snowsql > SnowSQL command-line client for Snowflake's Data Cloud. > More information: . - Connect to a specific instance at (password can be provided in prompt or configuration file): `snowsql --accountname {{account}} --username {{username}} --dbname {{database}} --schemaname {{schema}}` - Connect to an instance specified by a specific configuration file (defaults to `~/.snowsql/config`): `snowsql --config {{path/to/configuration_file}}` - Connect to the default instance using a token for multi-factor authentication: `snowsql --mfa-passcode {{token}}` - Execute a single SQL query or SnowSQL command on the default connection (useful in shell scripts): `snowsql --query '{{query}}'` - Execute commands from a specific file on the default connection: `snowsql --filename {{path/to/file.sql}}`