# tgpt > Talk to an AI chatbot without the need for API keys. > Available providers: `openai`, `opengpts`, `koboldai`, `phind`, `llama2`, `blackboxai`. > More information: . - Chat with the default provider (GPT-3.5-turbo): `tgpt "{{prompt}}"` - Start [m]ulti-line interactive mode: `tgpt --multiline` - Generate [i]mages and save them to the current directory: `tgpt --image "{{prompt}}"` - Generate [c]ode with the default provider (GPT-3.5-turbo): `tgpt --code "{{prompt}}"` - Chat with a specific provider [q]uietly (without animations): `tgpt --provider {{openai|opengpts|koboldai|phind|llama2|blackboxai}} --quiet --whole "{{prompt}}"` - Generate and execute [s]hell commands using a specific provider (with a confirmation prompt): `tgpt --provider {{llama2}} --shell "{{prompt}}"` - Prompt with an API key, model, max response length, temperature, and `top_p` (required when using `openai` provider): `tgpt --provider openai --key "{{api_key}}" --model "{{gpt-3.5-turbo}}" --max-length {{10}} --temperature {{0.7}} --top_p {{0.9}} "{{prompt}}"` - Feed a file as additional pre-prompt input: `tgpt --provider {{blackboxai}} "{{prompt}}" < {{path/to/file}}`