# tsv-filter > Filter lines of a TSV file by running tests against individual fields. > More information: . - Print the lines where a specific column is numerically equal to a given number: `tsv-filter -H --eq {{field_name}}:{{number}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}` - Print the lines where a specific column is [eq]ual/[n]on [e]qual/[l]ess [t]han/[l]ess than or [e]qual/[g]reater [t]han/[g]reater than or [e]qual to a given number: `tsv-filter --{{eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge}} {{column_number}}:{{number}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}` - Print the lines where a specific column is [eq]ual/[n]ot [e]qual/part of/not part of a given string: `tsv-filter --str-{{eq|ne|in-fld|not-in-fld}} {{column_number}}:{{string}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}` - Filter for non-empty fields: `tsv-filter --not-empty {{column_number}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}` - Print the lines where a specific column is empty: `tsv-filter --invert --not-empty {{column_number}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}` - Print the lines that satisfy two conditions: `tsv-filter --eq {{column_number1}}:{{number}} --str-eq {{column_number2}}:{{string}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}` - Print the lines that match at least one condition: `tsv-filter --or --eq {{column_number1}}:{{number}} --str-eq {{column_number2}}:{{string}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}` - Count matching lines, interpreting first line as a [H]eader: `tsv-filter --count -H --eq {{field_name}}:{{number}} {{path/to/tsv_file}}`