# xcodes runtimes > Manage Xcode Simulator runtimes. > More information: . - Display all available Simulator runtimes: `xcodes runtimes --include-betas` - Download a Simulator runtime: `xcodes runtimes download {{runtime_name}}` - Download and install a Simulator runtime: `xcodes runtimes install {{runtime_name}}` - Download/install a Simulator runtime for specific iOS/watchOS/tvOS/visionOS version (must be written as case-sensitive): `xcodes runtimes {{download|install}} "{{iOS|watchOS|tvOS|visionOS}} {{runtime_version}}"` - Set a specific location where the runtime archive will be first downloaded (defaults to `~/Downloads`): `xcodes runtimes {{download|install}} {{runtime_name}} --directory {{path/to/directory}}` - Do not delete the downloaded archive when the Simulator is successfully installed: `xcodes runtimes install {{runtime_name}} --keep-archive`