# Get-WUHistory > Get the history of installed updates from Windows Update. Part of external `PSWindowsUpdate` module. > This command can only be run under PowerShell. > More information: . - Get list of update history: `Get-WUHistory` - List the last 10 installed updates: `Get-WUHistory -Last {{10}}` - List all updates installed from a specific date to today: `Get-WUHistory -MaxDate {{date}}` - List all updates installed in the past 24 hours: `Get-WUHistory -MaxDate (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)` - Send the results via email (SMTP): `Get-WUHistory -SendReport -PSWUSettings @{SmtpServer="{{smtp_server}}"; Port={{smtp_port}} From="{{sender_email}}" To="{{receiver_email}}"}`