# docker build > Build an image from a Dockerfile. > More information: . - Build a Docker image using the Dockerfile in the current directory: `docker build .` - Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile at a specified URL: `docker build {{github.com/creack/docker-firefox}}` - Build a Docker image and tag it: `docker build --tag {{name:tag}} .` - Build a Docker image with no build context: `docker build --tag {{name:tag}} - < {{Dockerfile}}` - Do not use the cache when building the image: `docker build --no-cache --tag {{name:tag}} .` - Build a Docker image using a specific Dockerfile: `docker build --file {{Dockerfile}} .` - Build with custom build-time variables: `docker build --build-arg {{HTTP_PROXY=}} --build-arg {{FTP_PROXY=}} .`