# b2-tools > Access all features of Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage easily. > More information: . - Access your account: `b2 authorize_account {{key_id}}` - List the existing buckets in your account: `b2 list_buckets` - Create a bucket, provide the bucket name, and access type (e.g. allPublic or allPrivate): `b2 create_bucket {{bucket_name}} {{allPublic|allPrivate}}` - Upload a file. Choose a file, bucket, and a folder: `b2 upload_file {{bucket_name}} {{path/to/file}} {{folder_name}}` - Upload a source directory to a Backblaze B2 bucket destination: `b2 sync {{path/to/source_file}} {{bucket_name}}` - Copy a file from one bucket to another bucket: `b2 copy-file-by-id {{path/to/source_file_id}} {{destination_bucket_name}} {{path/to/b2_file}}` - Show the files in your bucket: `b2 ls {{bucket_name}}` - Remove a "folder" or a set of files matching a pattern: `b2 rm {{path/to/folder|pattern}}`