# nmap > Network exploration tool and security/port scanner. > Some features (e.g. SYN scan) activate only when `nmap` is run with root privileges. > More information: . - Scan the top 1000 ports of a remote host with various [v]erbosity levels: `nmap -v{{1|2|3}} {{ip_or_hostname}}` - Run a ping sweep over an entire subnet or individual hosts very aggressively: `nmap -T5 -sn {{|ip_or_hostname1,ip_or_hostname2,...}}` - Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute of hosts from a file: `sudo nmap -A -iL {{path/to/file.txt}}` - Scan a specific list of ports (use `-p-` for all ports from 1 to 65535): `nmap -p {{port1,port2,...}} {{ip_or_host1,ip_or_host2,...}}` - Perform service and version detection of the top 1000 ports using default NSE scripts, writing results (`-oA`) to output files: `nmap -sC -sV -oA {{top-1000-ports}} {{ip_or_host1,ip_or_host2,...}}` - Scan target(s) carefully using `default and safe` NSE scripts: `nmap --script "default and safe" {{ip_or_host1,ip_or_host2,...}}` - Scan for web servers running on standard ports 80 and 443 using all available `http-*` NSE scripts: `nmap --script "http-*" {{ip_or_host1,ip_or_host2,...}} -p 80,443` - Attempt evading IDS/IPS detection by using an extremely slow scan (`-T0`), decoy source addresses (`-D`), [f]ragmented packets, random data and other methods: `sudo nmap -T0 -D {{decoy_ip1,decoy_ip2,...}} --source-port {{53}} -f --data-length {{16}} -Pn {{ip_or_host}}`