# tart > Build, run and manage macOS and Linux virtual machines (VMs) on Apple Silicon. > More information: . - Pull a remote VM image: `tart pull {{acme.io/org/name:tag}}` - Clone a VM from a local or remote image source: `tart clone {{source-vm}} {{vm-name}}` - Create a new Mac VM from a specific ipsw file: `tart create --from-ipsw={{latest|path/to/file.ipsw}} {{vm-name}}` - Run an existing VM: `tart run {{vm-name}}` - Run an existing VM with a specific mounted directory: `tart run --dir={{path/to/directory}}:{{/path/to/local_directory}} {{vm-name}}` - List VMs: `tart list` - Get IP address of a running VM: `tart ip {{vm-name}}` - Change a VM's display resolution: `tart set {{vm-name}} --display {{640}}x{{400}}`