# gh issue create > Create GitHub issues on a repository from the command-line. > More information: . - Create a new issue against the current repository interactively: `gh issue create` - Create a new issue with the `bug` label interactively: `gh issue create --label "{{bug}}"` - Create a new issue interactively and assign it to the specified users: `gh issue create --assignee {{user1,user2,...}}` - Create a new issue with a title, body and assign it to the current user: `gh issue create --title "{{title}}" --body "{{body}}" --assignee "{{@me}}"` - Create a new issue interactively, reading the body text from a file: `gh issue create --body-file {{path/to/file}}` - Create a new issue in the default web browser: `gh issue create --web` - Display the help: `gh issue create --help`