# enscript > A tool to convert text files to PostScript, HTML, RTF, ANSI, and overstrikes. > More information: . - Generate PostScript from a file and output to another: `enscript {{path/to/input_file}} --output={{path/to/output_file}}` - Generate a certain output language (eg. "html") from a file and output to another: `enscript {{path/to/input_file}} --language={{language}} --output={{path/to/output_file}}` - Generate PostScript from a file and output to another with 1 to 9 column per page in landscape: `enscript {{path/to/input_file}} --columns={{num}} --landscape --output={{path/to/output_file}}` - Display available syntax highlighting: `enscript --help-highlight` - Generate PostScript from a file and output to another with syntax highlighting and color for a specified language: `enscript {{path/to/input_file}} --color=1 --highlight={{language}} --output={{path/to/output_file}}`