# nvim > Neovim, a programmer's text editor based on Vim, provides several modes for different kinds of text manipulation. > Pressing `i` in normal mode enters insert mode. `` goes back to normal mode, which doesn't allow regular text insertion. > See also `vim`, `vimtutor`, `vimdiff`. > More information: . - Open a file: `nvim {{file}}` - Enter text editing mode (insert mode): `i` - Copy ("yank") or cut ("delete") the current line (paste it with `P`): `{{yy|dd}}` - Enter normal mode and undo the last operation: `u` - Search for a pattern in the file (press `n`/`N` to go to next/previous match): `/{{search_pattern}}` - Perform a regular expression substitution in the whole file: `:%s/{{regular_expression}}/{{replacement}}/g` - Enter normal mode and save (write) the file, and quit: `:wq` - Quit without saving: `:q!`