# mpg321 > High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2, and 3. > Mpg321 was written (sometime in 1999) to be a drop-in replacement for the (previously) non-free mpg123 player. > More information: . - Play an audio source exactly N times (N=0 means forever): `mpg321 -l {{N}} {{path/to/file_a|URL}} {{path/to/file_b|URL}} {{...}}` - Play a directory recursively: `mpg321 -B {{path/to/directory}}` - Enable Basic Keys ( `*` or `/` - Increase or decrease volume, `n` - Skip song, `m` - Mute/unmute.) while playing: `mpg321 -K {{path/to/file_a|URL}} {{path/to/file_b|URL}} {{...}}` - Play files randomly until interrupted: `mpg321 -Z {{path/to/file_a|URL}} {{path/to/file_b|URL}} {{...}}` - Shuffle the files before playing them once: `mpg321 -z {{path/to/file_a|URL}} {{path/to/file_b|URL}} {{...}}` - Play all files in the current folder and subfolders, randomly (until interrupted), with Basic Keys enabled: `mpg321 -B -Z -K .`