# mpv > A audio/video player based on MPlayer. > See also: `mplayer`, `vlc`. > More information: . - Play a video or audio from a URL or file: `mpv {{url|path/to/file}}'` - Jump backward/forward 5 seconds: `LEFT RIGHT` - Jump backward/forward 1 minute: `DOWN UP` - Decrease or increase playback speed by 10%: `[ ]` - Take a screenshot of the current frame (saved to `./mpv-shotNNNN.jpg` by default): `s` - Play a file at a specified speed (1 by default): `mpv --speed={{0.01..100}} {{path/to/file}}` - Play a file using a profile defined in the `mpv.conf` file: `mpv --profile {{profile_name}} {{path/to/file}}` - Display the output of webcam or other video input device: `mpv {{/dev/video0}}`