# verilator > Converts Verilog and SystemVerilog hardware description language (HDL) designs into a C++ or SystemC model that after compiling can be executed. > More information: . - Build a specific C project in the current directory: `verilator --binary --build-jobs 0 -Wall {{path/to/source.v}}` - Create a C++ executable in a specific folder: `verilator --cc --exe --build --build-jobs 0 -Wall {{path/to/source.cpp}} {{path/to/output.v}}` - Perform linting over a code in the current directory: `verilator --lint-only -Wall` - Create XML output about the design (files, modules, instance hierarchy, logic and data types) to feed into other tools: `verilator --xml-output -Wall {{path/to/output.xml}}`