# perl > The Perl 5 language interpreter. - Parse and execute a Perl script: `perl {{script.pl}}` - Check syntax errors on a Perl script: `perl -c {{script.pl}}` - Parse and execute a perl statement: `perl -e {{perl_statement}}` - Import module before execution of a perl statement: `perl -M{{module}} -e {{perl_statement}}` - Run a Perl script in debug mode, using `perldebug`: `perl -d {{script.pl}}` - Loo[p] over all lines of a file, editing them [i]n-place using a find/replace [e]xpression: `perl -p -i -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/g' {{filename}}` - Run a find/replace expression on a file, saving the original file with a given extension: `perl -p -i'.old' -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/g' {{filename}}`