# groff > GNU replacement for the `troff` and `nroff` typesetting utilities. > More information: . - Format output for a PostScript printer, saving the output to a file: `groff {{path/to/input.roff}} > {{path/to/output.ps}}` - Render a man page using the ASCII output device, and display it using a pager: `groff -man -T ascii {{path/to/manpage.1}} | less` - Render a man page into an HTML file: `groff -man -T html {{path/to/manpage.1}} > {{path/to/manpage.html}}` - Typeset a roff file containing [t]ables and [p]ictures, using the [me] macro set, to PDF, saving the output: `groff {{-t}} {{-p}} -{{me}} -T {{pdf}} {{path/to/input.me}} > {{path/to/output.pdf}}` - Run a `groff` command with preprocessor and macro options guessed by the `grog` utility: `eval "$(grog -T utf8 {{path/to/input.me}})"`