# adb shell > Android Debug Bridge Shell: run remote shell commands on an Android emulator instance or connected Android devices. > More information: . - Start a remote interactive shell on the emulator or device: `adb shell` - Get all the properties from emulator or device: `adb shell getprop` - Revert all runtime permissions to their default: `adb shell pm reset-permissions` - Revoke a dangerous permission for an application: `adb shell pm revoke {{package}} {{permission}}` - Trigger a key event: `adb shell input keyevent {{keycode}}` - Clear the data of an application on an emulator or device: `adb shell pm clear {{package}}` - Start an activity on emulator or device: `adb shell am start -n {{package}}/{{activity}}` - Start the home activity on an emulator or device: `adb shell am start -W -c android.intent.category.HOME -a android.intent.action.MAIN`