# aws eks > Manage Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) addons, clusters, and node groups. > Amazon EKS is a service for easily running Kubernetes on AWS. > More information: . - Create an EKS Cluster: `aws eks create-cluster --name {{cluster_name}} --role-arn {{eks_service_role_arn}} --resources-vpc-config {{subnetIds={{subnet_ids}},securityGroupIds={{security_group_ids}}}}` - Update kubeconfig to connect to the EKS Cluster: `aws eks update-kubeconfig --name {{cluster_name}}` - List available EKS clusters: `aws eks list-clusters` - Describe EKS cluster details: `aws eks describe-cluster --name {{cluster_name}}` - Delete an EKS Cluster: `aws eks delete-cluster --name {{cluster_name}}` - List nodegroups in an EKS cluster: `aws eks list-nodegroups --cluster-name {{cluster_name}}` - Describe nodegroup details: `aws eks describe-nodegroup --cluster-name {{cluster_name}} --nodegroup-name {{nodegroup_name}}`