# duf > Disk Usage/Free Utility. > More information: . - List accessible devices: `duf` - List everything (such as pseudo, duplicate or inaccessible file systems): `duf --all` - Only show specified devices or mount points: `duf {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}` - Sort the output by a specified criteria: `duf --sort {{size|used|avail|usage}}` - Show or hide specific filesystems: `duf --{{only-fs|hide-fs}} {{tmpfs|vfat|ext4|xfs}}` - Sort the output by key: `duf --sort {{mountpoint|size|used|avail|usage|inodes|inodes_used|inodes_avail|inodes_usage|type|filesystem}}` - Change the theme (if `duf` fails to use the right theme): `duf --theme {{dark|light}}`