# monodis > The Mono Common Intermediate Language (CIL) disassembler. > More information: . - Disassemble an assembly to textual CIL: `monodis {{path/to/assembly.exe}}` - Save the output to a file: `monodis --output={{path/to/output.il}} {{path/to/assembly.exe}}` - Show information about an assembly: `monodis --assembly {{path/to/assembly.dll}}` - List the references of an assembly: `monodis --assemblyref {{path/to/assembly.exe}}` - List all the methods in an assembly: `monodis --method {{path/to/assembly.exe}}` - List resources embedded within an assembly: `monodis --manifest {{path/to/assembly.dll}}` - Extract all the embedded resources to the current directory: `monodis --mresources {{path/to/assembly.dll}}`