# nixpkgs-review > Review pull requests in the NixOS packages repository (nixpkgs). > After a successful build, a `nix-shell` with all built packages is started. > More information: . - Build changed packages in the specified pull request: `nixpkgs-review pr {{pr_number|pr_url}}` - Build changed packages and post a comment with a report (requires setting up a token in `hub`, `gh`, or the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable): `nixpkgs-review pr --post-result {{pr_number|pr_url}}` - Build changed packages and print a report: `nixpkgs-review pr --print-result {{pr_number|pr_url}}` - Build changed packages in a local commit: `nixpkgs-review rev {{HEAD}}` - Build changed packages that haven't been committed yet: `nixpkgs-review wip` - Build changed packages that have been staged: `nixpkgs-review wip --staged`