# searchsploit > Search Exploit Database for exploits, shellcodes and/or papers. > If known version numbers are used as search terms, exploits for both the exact version and others whose version range covers the one specified are shown. > More information: . - Search for an exploit, shellcode, or paper: `searchsploit {{search_terms}}` - Search for a known specific version, e.g. sudo version 1.8.27: `searchsploit sudo 1.8.27` - Show the exploit-db link to the found resources: `searchsploit --www {{search_terms}}` - Copy ([m]irror) the resource to the current directory (requires the number of the exploit): `searchsploit --mirror {{exploit_number}}` - E[x]amine the resource, using the pager defined in the `$PAGER` environment variable: `searchsploit --examine {{exploit_number}}` - [u]pdate the local Exploit Database: `searchsploit --update` - Search for the [c]ommon [v]ulnerabilities and [e]xposures (CVE) value: `searchsploit --cve {{2021-44228}}` - Check results in `nmap`'s XML output with service version (`nmap -sV -oX nmap-output.xml`) for known exploits: `searchsploit --nmap {{path/to/nmap-output.xml}}`