# torsocks > Route the traffic of any application through the Tor network. > Note: `torsocks` will assume that it should connect to the Tor SOCKS proxy running at being the defaults of the Tor daemon. > More information: . - Run a command using Tor: `torsocks {{command}}` - Enable or disable Tor in this shell: `. torsocks {{on|off}}` - Spawn a new Tor enabled shell: `torsocks --shell` - Check if current shell is Tor enabled (`LD_PRELOAD` value will be empty if disabled): `torsocks show` - [i]solate traffic through a different Tor circuit, improving anonymity: `torsocks --isolate {{curl https://check.torproject.org/api/ip}}` - Connect to a Tor proxy running on a specific [a]ddress and [P]ort: `torsocks --address {{ip}} --port {{port}} {{command}}`