# distrobox-export > Export app/service/binary from container to host OS. > Subcommand of `distrobox`. See also: `tldr distrobox`. > More information: . - Export an app from the container to the host (the desktop entry/icon will show up in your host system's application list): `distrobox-export --app {{package_name}} --extra-flags "--foreground"` - Export a binary from the container to the host: `distrobox-export --bin {{path/to/binary}} --export-path {{path/to/binary_on_host}}` - Export a binary from the container to the host (i.e.`$HOME/.local/bin`) : `distrobox-export --bin {{path/to/binary}} --export-path {{path/to/export}}` - Export a service from the container to the host (`--sudo` will run the service as root inside the container): `distrobox-export --service {{package}} --extra-flags "--allow-newer-config" --sudo` - Unexport/delete an exported application: `distrobox-export --app {{package}} --delete`