# nmcli connection > Manage connections with NetworkManager. > This subcommand can also be called with `nmcli c`. > More information: . - List all NetworkManager connections (shows name, UUID, type and device): `nmcli connection` - Activate a connection: `nmcli connection up uuid {{uuid}}` - Deactivate a connection: `nmcli connection down uuid {{uuid}}` - Create an auto-configured dual stack connection: `nmcli connection add ifname {{interface_name}} type {{ethernet}} ipv4.method {{auto}} ipv6.method {{auto}}` - Create a static IPv6-only connection: `nmcli connection add ifname {{interface_name}} type {{ethernet}} ip6 {{2001:db8::2/64}} gw6 {{2001:db8::1}} ipv6.dns {{2001:db8::1}} ipv4.method {{ignore}}` - Create a static IPv4-only connection: `nmcli connection add ifname {{interface_name}} type {{ethernet}} ip4 {{}} gw4 {{}} ipv4.dns {{}} ipv6.method {{ignore}}` - Create a VPN connection using OpenVPN from an OVPN file: `nmcli connection import type {{openvpn}} file {{path/to/vpn_config.ovpn}}`