# kismet > A wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool, and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework. > More information: . - Capture packets from a specific wireless interface: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0}}` - Monitor multiple channels on a wireless interface: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0,wlan1}} -m` - Capture packets and save them to a specific directory: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0}} -d {{path/to/output}}` - Start Kismet with a specific configuration file: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0}} -f {{path/to/config.conf}}` - Monitor and log data to an SQLite database: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0}} --log-to-db` - Monitor using a specific data source: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0}} --data-source={{rtl433}}` - Enable alerts for specific events: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0}} --enable-alert={{new_ap}}` - Display detailed information about a specific AP's packets: `sudo kismet -c {{wlan0}} --info {{BSSID}}`