# wp > The official command-line interface to manage WordPress instances. > More information: . - Print information about the operating system, shell, PHP, and WP-CLI (`wp`) installation: `wp --info` - Update WP-CLI: `wp cli update` - Download a fresh WordPress installation to current directory, optionally specifying the locale: `wp core download --locale={{locale}}` - Create basic `wpconfig` file (assuming database on `localhost`): `wp config create --dbname={{dbname}} --dbuser={{dbuser}} --dbpass={{dbpass}}` - Install and activate a WordPress plugin: `wp plugin install {{plugin}} --activate` - Replace all instances of a string in the database: `wp search-replace {{old_string}} {{new_string}}` - Import the contents of a WordPress Extended RSS (WXR) file: `wp import {{path/to/file.xml}}`