# busctl > Introspect and monitor the D-Bus bus. > More information: . - Show all peers on the bus, by their service names: `busctl list` - Show process information and credentials of a bus service, a process, or the owner of the bus (if no parameter is specified): `busctl status {{service|pid}}` - Dump messages being exchanged. If no service is specified, show all messages on the bus: `busctl monitor {{service1 service2 ...}}` - Show an object tree of one or more services (or all services if no service is specified): `busctl tree {{service1 service2 ...}}` - Show interfaces, methods, properties and signals of the specified object on the specified service: `busctl introspect {{service}} {{path/to/object}}` - Retrieve the current value of one or more object properties: `busctl get-property {{service}} {{path/to/object}} {{interface_name}} {{property_name}}` - Invoke a method and show the response: `busctl call {{service}} {{path/to/object}} {{interface_name}} {{method_name}}`