# duc > A collection of tools for indexing, inspecting and visualizing disk usage. > Duc maintains a database of accumulated sizes of directories in the file system, allowing to query this database, or creating fancy graphs to show where data is. > More information: . - Index the `/usr` directory, writing to the default database location `~/.duc.db`: `duc index {{/usr}}` - List all files and directories under `/usr/local`, showing relative file sizes in a [g]raph: `duc ls --classify --graph {{/usr/local}}` - List all files and directories under `/usr/local` using treeview recursively: `duc ls --classify --graph --recursive {{/usr/local}}` - Start the graphical interface to explore the file system using sunburst graphs: `duc gui {{/usr}}` - Run the ncurses console interface to explore the file system: `duc ui {{/usr}}` - Dump database info: `duc info`