# semanage > SELinux Policy Management tool. > More information: . - Output local customizations: `semanage -S {{store}} -o {{path/to/output_file}}` - Take a set of commands from a specified file and load them in a single transaction: `semanage -S {{store}} -i {{path/to/input_file}}` - Manage booleans. Booleans allow the administrator to modify the confinement of processes based on the current configuration: `semanage boolean -S {{store}} {{--delete|--modify|--list|--noheading|--deleteall}} {{-on|-off}} -F {{boolean|boolean_file}}` - Manage policy modules: `semanage module -S {{store}} {{--add|--delete|--list|--modify}} {{--enable|--disable}} {{module_name}}` - Disable/Enable dontaudit rules in policy: `semanage dontaudit -S {{store}} {{on|off}}`