# sherlock > Find usernames across social networks. > More information: . - Search for a specific username on social networks saving the results to a file: `sherlock {{username}} --output {{path/to/file}}` - Search for specific usernames on social networks saving the results into a directory: `sherlock {{username1 username2 ...}} --folderoutput {{path/to/directory}}` - Search for a specific username on social networks using the Tor network: `sherlock --tor {{username}}` - Make requests over Tor with a new Tor circuit after each request: `sherlock --unique-tor {{username}}` - Search for a specific username on social networks using a proxy: `sherlock {{username}} --proxy {{proxy_url}}` - Search for a specific username on social networks and open results in the default web browser: `sherlock {{username}} --browse` - Display help: `sherlock --help`