# Get-Help > Display help information and documentation for PowerShell commands (aliases, cmdlets, and functions). > This command can only be run through PowerShell. > More information: . - Display general help information for a specific PowerShell command: `Get-Help {{command}}` - Display a more detailed documentation for a specific PowerShell command: `Get-Help {{command}} -Detailed` - Display the full technical documentation for a specific PowerShell command: `Get-Help {{command}} -Full` - Print only the documentation for a specific parameter of the PowerShell command (use `*` to show all parameters), if available: `Get-Help {{command}} -Parameter {{parameter}}` - Print only the examples of the cmdlet, if available: `Get-Help {{command}} -Examples` - List all available cmdlet help pages: `Get-Help *` - Update the current help and documentation knowledge base using `Update-Help`: `Update-Help` - View an online version of PowerShell command documentation in the default web browser: `Get-Help {{command}} -Online`