# mount > Mount Network File System (NFS) network shares. > More information: . - Mount a share to the "Z" drive letter: `mount \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}` - Mount a share to the next available drive letter: `mount \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} *` - Mount a share with a read timeout in seconds (defaults to 0.8, can be 0.9 or 1 to 60): `mount -o timeout={{seconds}} \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}` - Mount a share and retry up to 10 times if it fails: `mount -o retry={{retries}} \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}` - Mount a share with forced case sensitivity: `mount -o casesensitive \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}` - Mount a share as an anonymous user: `mount -o anon \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}` - Mount a share using a specific mount type: `mount -o mtype={{soft|hard}} \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}`